Kim Jensen / Ким Дженсен

Kim Morten Jensen

Kim Jensen is a Norwegian composer and sound designer who has worked on many memorable game titles. In 1993, he started working on video game music at Funcom and left three years later. From 1997 to 2003, he worked at Innerloop Studios, serving as a composer and sound designer. In 2001, Kim founded Audioplant, which specializes in music and sound effects. Audioplant closed its doors in 2007 and then Kim started working at Toxic, where he still works today.

Born September, 1974
Birth Place Oslo, Norway
Nationality Norwegian   Norway.svg
Aliases Kim M. Jensen, Jason

Kim used GEMS

| 01.09.2020 Просмотров: 555
| Теги: Kim Jensen, Ким Дженсен