First Samurai

First Samurai
DB6A-676F Start with 9 lives
D46A-676F Start with 2 lives
406E-D461 Infinite lives
D783-0F09 Full weapon power for dagger on pick up
D4C5-AFA5 Less force picked up from baddies
D6C5-AFA5 More force picked up from baddies
F9C5-AFA5 Lots more power picked up from baddies
C9B6-6700 + C9BE-6D00 Infinite axe
C9BF-D4D1 Infinite life force
C96D-04A5 Infinite warp lantern
D789-AFA9 Less life force from food
FD89-AFA9 More life force from food

| 20.03.2020 Просмотров: 530
| Теги: Second Samurai, Второй Самурай, First Samurai, The Second Samurai