Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ (eng)

NYOYXLYE - Infinite health 
NYUVOZTE - Infinite lives 
PEUAPZLA - Start with 2 lives 
IEUAPZLA - Start with 6 lives 
YEUAPZLA - Start with 8 lives 
PEUAPZLE - Start with 10 lives 
VNXELSSO - Start with instead of 0 
OUEAXXOO - Infinite collectibles 
YPEYOUGU - Shorter invincibility after getting hit 
ITEYOUGL - Longer invincibility after getting hit 
ZAXNPZIA- 2 custard pies picked up 
PAXNPZIE - 9 custard pies picked up 
OZEEPYES + PAEEZYZZ - Start on Rescue the Maiden level 
OZEEPYES + PAEEZYZZ + SAEELNVV - Start on Out West level 
OZEEPYES + ZAEEZYZZ + SAEELNVV - Start on Robin Hoek level

| 09.11.2017 Просмотров: 1621
| Теги: Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$, Шоу Рена и Стимпи - Букаруз, Ren & Stimpy