Torneko No Daibouken Fushigi No Dungeon (Part 2)

 Taloon's Destiny [*d3]

King: Oh! This definitely is my Jewelry Box! Thank you Taloon! You have
 passed my test! I grant you leave to search for treasure to your
 heart's desire. However, the "real" Mysterious Dungeon is truly
 foreboding. Therefore, I will give you a book of tips. This is my
 final present to you! Review it at your house. Also, before you go,
 be sure to speak with all the members of my court. Farewell.

Now you can leave the castle to go home.

Nene: Congratulations, darling!

Poporo: Congratulations papa!

Nene: Now you can go treasure hunting, just like you always wanted! Look at
 our new store!

Poporo: We have a store!

Nene: I'll sell the goods you bring back in our store. We'll save up the gold
 you bring back and use it to make the store bigger. I can't wait to see
 how far we can make it! You look tired. Have a nice rest, darling!

You rest.

Nene: Today will be your first day at the Mysterious Dungeon. When you want to
 talk with a customer, just speak to them across the counter. Also, if
 you want to see how much gold we've saved up, I left the account book
 by your bedside so that you can consult it there. Darling, aren't you
 just itching to get started on your adventure?

You will be prompted with a choice. If you do choose "Yes", you'll get a Big
Bread. You can talk to Nene again if you say "No".



Nene: Here's your lunch box! Go get them, dear!}


Nene: Tell me when you're going to leave! I'll give you your lunch box!}

If you press A on the book on the bed, it'll say the following:

'Guess what dear, we have [gold amount]G in the bank. I have spent
[gold amount]G expanding our shop. Good luck dear! -Nene'

This is what the red book on the table says:

10 Dungeon Tips and Tricks from the King

1. Your movement is turn-based. Don't waste turns!
2. Face the monster you are attacking.
3. Watch out for diagonal attacks!
4. Walk around to recover HP, but stay away from danger!
5. Hit undead with a Thunder Staff! Change monsters with the Change Staff!
 Use Expel and Chaos Staves too!
6. When you can't run away, use a Return Herb! You can also throw a Confusion
 Herb at a monster!
7. Use Medical Herbs and Elixirs at max Strength to raise your max HP a
 little bit.
8. Use Antidote Herbs to recover lost Strength due to poison! Then use your
 Strength Seeds!
9. You can see if an enemy is sleeping on the Map!
10. Rings never wear out! But be wary of curses by identifying rings first!

The End

The customers also give various hints on exploring the dungeon:

Soldier: If you are defeated in the dungeon, half of your money will be
 stolen by Trick Bags, and all of your items will be stolen by
 Demonites. I'm surprised the Trick Bags are so kind, as to
 only take half, rather than all of your money.

Weapon dealer: I heard that a new shop had been built and came to check. Hah!
 What a big shop! It's such a profitable store! What's it made
 out of, just wood!? Make sure you watch out that it doesn't
 get blown down by the wind!

Old man: I hate turning! I'm satisfied just walking in a straight line
 until I run into something! It may be a good idea to move
 diagonally sometimes, but I just go straight, and then straight
 again after I hit something! That's why I'm hungry; it takes
 too much time! Gahahaha!

Nice old man: I hear that you will heading off for the Mysterious Dungeon.
 I've heard about it. They say there are amazing treasures
 there. However, you'll have to go extremely deep to find them.

Woman: Excuse me. I'd like one herb, please.

Old woman: Everyone says that dungeon is so mysterious. I think you're
 the most mysterious, going into a frightening place like that.
 Anyways, I'll take an herb.

Doctor: Grandma Maggy seems to know something about the treasure of
 the Mysterious Dungeon! I'll let you ask her about it!

Exit the shop to go into the Mysterious Dungeon.

 Mysterious Dungeon [*d4]

Floor 26 is the first floor the Happiness Box can spawn. Like the Trial
Dungeon, sometimes the box won't spawn the first time. In this dungeon, you'll
be forced to go down when you don't have the box. It usually spawns on floor
28 at the latest. Some people suggest that you return to your shop once in a
while, but I suggest going all of the way down on your first try.

The enemies in this dungeon aren't very hard in the beginning, but later on
they get to the point where it's crucial to avoid almost EVERY single one of

Floor 1: Drakee, Ghost, Giant Slug, Slime

Floors 2-3: Drakee, Ghost, Giant Slug, Magician, Monjar, Slime

Floor 4: Demon Toadstool, Drakee, Ghost, Giant Slug, Liclick, Magician,

Floor 5: Demon Toadstool, Drakee, Ghost, Giant Slug, Liclick, Lilypa,
 Magician, Monjar

Floor 6: Demon Toadstool, Drakee, Giant Slug, Liclick, Lilypa, Magician,
 Monjar, Mummy

Floor 7: Demon Toadstool, Deranger, Liclick, Lilypa, Magician, Mummy,
 Trick Bag

Floor 8: Demon Toadstool, Deranger, Liclick, Lilypa, Magician, Mummy,
 Trick Bag, Wyvern

Floor 9: Demon Toadstool, Deranger, Liclick, Lilypa, Mummy, Trick Bag,

Floor 10: Demon Toadstool, Demonite, Deranger, Hork, Liclick, Mummy,
 Trick Bag, Wyvern

Floor 11: Demon Toadstool, Demonite, Deranger, Hork, Lethal Armor, Liclick,
 Mummy, Trick Bag, Wyvern

Floor 12: Demon Toadstool, Demonite, Deranger, Hork, Lethal Armor, Liclick,
 Trick Bag, Wyvern

Floors 13-15: Bomb Crag, Demonite, Deranger, Hork, Ice Sloth, Lethal Armor,
 Trick Bag, Wyvern

Floors 16-17: Bomb Crag, Demonite, Deranger, Golem, Goopie, Hork, Ice Sloth,
 Lethal Armor, Mud Puppet

Floor 18: Bomb Crag, Deranger, Golem, Goopie, Hork, Ice Sloth,
 Lethal Armor, Mud Puppet, Stone Hulk

Floor 19: Bomb Crag, Golem, Goopie, Hork, Ice Sloth, Mimic, Mud Puppet,
 Shadow, Stone Hulk

Floor 20: Bomb Crag, Giant, Golem, Goopie, Hork, Ice Sloth, Mimic,
 Mud Puppet, Shadow, Stone Hulk

Floor 21: Bomb Crag, Giant, Giant Eyeball, Golem, Goopie, Mimic,
 Mud Puppet, Shadow

Floor 22: Bomb Crag, Giant, Giant Eyeball, Golem, Goopie, Imposter, Mimic,
 Mud Puppet, Mystic Doll, Shadow

Floor 23: Bomb Crag, Giant, Giant Eyeball, Golem, Goopie, Imposter, Mimic,
 Mud Puppet, Mystic Doll, Shadow, Silver Devil

Floors 24-25: Bomb Crag, Giant, Giant Eyeball, Golem, Goopie, Imposter,
 Metal Babble, Mud Puppet, Mystic Doll, Shadow, Silver Devil,
 Winged Demon

Floors 26-27: Bomb Crag, Giant, Giant Eyeball, Goopie, Green Dragon, Imposter,
 Metal Babble, Mystic Doll, Shadow, Silver Devil, Winged Demon

Floors 28-99: Giant Eyeball, Goopie, Green Dragon, Metal Babble, Mystic Doll,
 Silver Devil, Winged Demon

The High Scores screen shows after you exit the dungeon, displaying:

[town name] village, Deep into the Mysterious Dungeon 26-28 Floor, Acquired
the Happiness Box, Returned safely.

After the High Scores screen, you will leave the Mysterious Dungeon.

 Town of Happiness [*d5]
You will be at Taloon's house.

Nene: Welcome back, darling. I'm glad you're safe! So, which items shall we
 put in the storehouse? Huh!? What is this beautiful box.? Could it be!?
 Darling, open it up!

Taloon opens up the box. A song starts, which is heard all over the village.
The credits will show throughout the scene.

Nene: Darling! You've finally done it! You found the Happiness Box! Wow,
 amazing! I can hardly believe it! We must start the preparations for
 opening our new store right away! Darling! Go tell everyone what you've
 found, and then come to the store!


Grandma Maggy: Oohh. It's the Happiness Box! Congratulations Taloon!

Doctor: So, the Happiness Box was a music box! Now I know one more

Great-grandfather: Aaahh. It has a great sound. It seems to soak through
 my entire body, from my ears... Huh? I... I can hear!?

Grandma Maggy: Taloon, please go and tell my husband as well! We're going
 to go help Nene now!




Grandpa Fuan: Taloon, I feel sort of strange! My body feels light, and I
 feel so cheerful. I feel like I want to jump up and down!




Polly: Aahh! Master!

Minister: Ooh! Taloon!

Polly: Is this the Happiness Box? Aah! Oh, how beautiful it sounds! What
 a great sound! Just listening to it makes me feel....Aaaahh! It's
 so splendid!

Minister: Taloon, well done! This is quite an accomplishment! This
 will make the king extremely happy! I can see the happy look on
 the king's face now...




King: Oh! Taloo...

Gon: Uuuooooooooohhhh!!!! You finally did it! Finally! You did iiiiiitttt!!!!

King: Well done, Talo...

Gon: Wooow!!!! I just don't have the words to express....

King: Talooooon!! WELL DONE! The dream of my youth! Solving the mystery of
 the Mysterious Dungeon!! You solved it, well dooonnnee!!!!!!! I'm so

Gon: I'm happy, tooo!

King: Uuuuooooohhhhhh!!!!

Gon: Uuuoooooohhhh!!!


Rival warrior: Taloon, you did it! This is something I would expect from
 you, my rival! I'll never be able to forget what you've
 accomplished here, Taloon! It will be one of my fondest

Sophia: Taloon, congratulations! Close your eyes for a minute!
 Teeheehee! Don't tell Nene! Let's go, darling! The store is
 about to open!

Rival warrior: We'll go on ahead, Taloon!



Prince: Taloon, you finally found the Happiness Box! Congratulations! A
 little bit ago, I heard my father's voice around here somewhere.
 He sounded very happy. That's the first time I've ever heard my
 father yelling so loudly.

Girl: Taloon, I understand now. The prince has really been thinking
 about me. I can't believe the prince feels this way! The music of
 this music box is so wonderful!

New couple: Taloon, your new store is having its grand opening, right?
 We're going to check it out! Thank you so much!


Gucci: Master, there's a big uproar going on in the bar!

Woman: Ohh! You did it, Taloon! C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s!

Bartender: Boss! Good! Good!

Sharp old man: Wahaha! The bartender is saying 'guuguu'! What is he, asleep!?

Bar lady: Teehee! You're amazing, Taloon! You're so cool! Yeah!

Drunkard: Hic! What the.... Heeheehee, what! This store... hic, hic...

Strange person: Teeheehee...This melody was playing earlier. Hehe. For some
 reason... Ahaha, it just makes me feel so lighthearted...

Woman: Once again, Taloon! C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s!



Poporo: Ahaha, papa! A little while ago I suddenly heard music! And then....
 Ehehe! A warm feeling came! Ahahahaha!

Lulu: Hey uncle! Heehee... We started laughing because Poporo had to stop
 looking for treasure. Isn't it funny?. Ahahahaha!!!

Poporo: You're a lot of fun too, papa! Ahahaha!

Lulu: Teeheehee... Uncle! Let's go! Aunt Nene will be coming to the new
 store soon.

Poporo: Papa, let's go!




Ed: Ahahaha! Taloon, sir! You finally did it! Everyone's waiting! Come on,
 please go!

Mondo: Taloon, we built a really great place this time! It's so...amazing....
 that I just...get all choked up when I think about it.

Nene: Darling, wait a moment. My heart is so full. What shall we do?

Taloon smiles and takes Nene's hand

Nene: Darling, I'm fine now! Let's go!


Taloon puts the music box on the stand and raises his arm in triumph.


Now if you're ready for the ultimate challenge, reset the game and continue
from your file.

 Bonus Dungeon [*d6]

This dungeon is very similar to the Mysterious Dungeon. The dungeon contains
unidentified scrolls & herbs and there are also new items. The goal of this
dungeon is to go to floor 30 and get the Mystery Box.

After you ascend from the first floor, the High Scores screen will appear,
showing this:

[town name] village, Very deep into the Mysterious Dungeon 30-99 Floor,
Acquired the Mystery Box, Returned Safely.

After the High Scores screen, you will leave the Mysterious Dungeon and end
up being at Taloon's house.

Nene: Welcome home, darling. Huh? Darling, you smell a little like perfume.
 Heehee... It suits you! We've made a huge bath where the hot spring
 that Poporo dug up was. It's big enough for everyone. Tonight, why
 don't you relax and take a bath, darling.

You rest.

Nene: Good morning, dear! Tear them up out there today!

She'll ask you if you want to store some of your items in the Vault. Make sure
you don't store the Mystery Box.

Nene: Oh, what is this box, dear? This box is strange... It has such
 a strange odor, too! What is the purpose of this box, and that smell?
 It's no good, dear. We can't keep it here. Take it out right now and
 store it in the vault.

She'll say how much gold she's made from selling the items you didn't store
in the vault. Go down the stairs and head south. Then head west until you're
at the entrance of the building. Go in and talk to the guy at the left counter.

Bandai: Eh! What's that smell? Taloon, what in the world is this box? Did you
 find this in the Mysterious Dungeon too? Let me see it!

The box is put on the counter.

Bandai: Ah, of course! This is the Strange Box, which I've been looking for. 
 Villages here, countries there, for nigh on 30 years... To think I'd
 finally find it in this village! Taloon, I expected you could find
 it! Inside this box is the "Phantom Hot Spring Flower," which can
 cure any disease! Someone like me, who's been looking for it for 30
 years, is just the person who would know its value! Alright, call the
 desperate customers!!

Now you've basically completed everything there is in the game. You can go
back in the Mysterious Dungeon and go as deep as you like. Floors 38-99 all
contain the same enemies and a Mystery Box for each level. Don't bother taking
the Mystery Boxes, because they're only worth 5 Gold.


 Tips [*E]

1. If you stay on a floor too long, an earthquake will occur, dropping you down
 a floor.

2. ANYTHING you do (except changing direction) will decrease your Belly %.

3. Every time you do something you use up .1% of your Belly %, which means
 that 10 actions = -1% Belly.

4. Every point of Strength is relevant to your damage. At full Strength, you
 will do 100% damage. Each point will act as a percentage of your damage.
 For example, if you have 5/8 strength, you will do 62.5% of your max
 damage. Your Max Strength affects how much your base damage is.
5. Do anything to avoid losing Max HP/Max Strength/levels, as it will severely
 limit your chances of survival.

6. Your main goal is to finish the dungeon on your first try.

7. Monsters will randomly spawn after you do a certain amount of actions.

8. If you have a Box, you will not be able to use an Outside Herb.
 Furthermore, if a Demonite steals this key item, you will have to get it
 back, or be faced with going back down to get another one. Also, if you
 throw an item at an enemy or into a group of items, it will disappear.

9. There's is a low chance the floor you go on will contain a monster lair.
 These floors contain a large amount of enemies items, and traps.

10. Some equipment may be cursed, so be careful about what you wear.

11. If an enemy kills another enemy, that enemy will gain experience from the
 kill. If you kill this enemy, you will gain the regular experience plus
 the experience from the enemy it killed. Enemies can gain levels, too.
 Every time they gain a level, they will gain 3-7 HP.

 Items [*F0]

Throwing items such as staves and scrolls at enemies will damage them and cause
the thrown item to disappear. Herbs can be eaten or thrown at enemies; effects
will occur to whoever eats it.

 Food [*f1]

Big Bread
Value: 4G
Description: Fills the belly.
Effect: Fills up 99% of your Belly.
Comment: The best bread.

Value: 2G
Description: Fills up a small belly.
Effect: Fills up 50% of your Belly.
Comment: The most common bread.

Rotten Bread
Value: 1G
Description: A full belly will lessen the effects of poison.
Effect: Fills up 100% of your Belly, decreases 5 HP, decreases 1 Strength.
Comment: Only useful as a last restort.

 Herbs [*f2]

Antidote Herb
Value: 30G
Description: Recovers lost Strength caused by poison.
Effect: Fully recovers Strength.
Comment: Good to have in case you're fighting Strength draining enemies.

Blaze Herb
Value: 40G
Description: Spew fire from your mouth.
Effect: Spews fiery breath at an enemy in front, doing severe damage. Throwing
 this at enemy will do 1/2 the damage.
Comment: Handy when you're in trouble and you need to kill something quick.

Blinding Herb
Value: 5G
Description: Throw this at a monster to make it go blind.
Effect: Causes blindness.
Comment: Helps weaken harder enemies.

Confuse Herb
Value: 15G
Description: Throw this at a monster to confuse it for a limited amount of
Effect: Causes confusion for ten turns.
Comment: Good for shaking off enemies. Somewhat useful for enemies that get
 two turns (it'll last for only five of your turns though).

Value: 40G
Description: Recovers a lot of HP.
Effect: Recovers 99 HP. Increases Max HP by two if current HP is at max.
Comment: The best recovery item. You shouldn't use it to increase HP, because
 later on you'll need all the recovery items you can get.

Value: 15G
Description: Improves sight for the current floor.
Effect: Allows vision of invisible enemies (Shadows).
Comment: In the later levels of the Mysterious Dungeon, Shadows can get very
 annoying. This will allow you to treat them as normal enemies.

Fear Herb
Value: 20G
Description: Throw this at a monster to make it run away.
Effect: Causes fear.
Comment: A good way to get rid of an enemy.

Medical Herb
Value: 25G
Description: Recovers a few HP.
Effect: Recovers 25 HP. Increases Max HP by one if current health is full.
Comment: Basic recovery item. If you have too many of these, use them to
 increase your Max HP.

Poison Herb
Value: 20G
Description: Decreases HP and Strength.
Effect: Decreases HP by five and Strength by three.
Comment: Never eat this - throw it at enemies.

Return Herb
Value: 10G
Description: Warp to a different location.
Effect: Teleports to a random location on the map.
Comment: You can eat this to escape a group of enemies, or you can throw it
 at an enemy to get rid of it. Sometimes you or the enemy will
 teleport to a different spot in the same room.

Sleep Herb
Value: 30G
Description: Throw this at a monster to put it to sleep.
Effect: Causes sleep for five turns.
Comment: Never eat this. Throw it at an enemy if you want a couple of free
 hits against them (or to run away.)

 Seeds [*f3]

Agility Seed
Value: 35G
Description: Increases speed for a limited amount of time.
Effect: Gives two actions for one turn. This lasts for ten turns.
Comment: Useful for getting away from enemies, or when fighting enemies that
 get two turns (especially Silver Devils).

Happiness Seed
Value: 1000G
Description: Increases level by 1.
Effect: Increases level by one.
Comment: Very useful, but you have to know when to use them. You should use it
 right AFTER you've gained a level, as the seed brings you to the
 exact experience needed for the next level.

Strength Seed
Value: 50G
Description: Increases Strength.
Effect: Recovers one Strength and increases max Strength by one if current
 Strength is full.
Comment: Never use this to recover Strength. Use it to increase your Max
 Strength. It's very important to do this because if your Strength
 gets too low, you will hardly do damage, and this is the only item
 that can permanently increase Strength.

 Scrolls [*f4]

Bang Scroll
Value: 80G
Description: Cause a big explosion.
Effect: Casts the Bang spell, creating an explosion around you that will
 hit every enemy in the room once for a good amount of damage.
Comment: The most useful scroll in the game. If there are several enemies
 around you (or a HUGE amount like in a monster room), this will kill
 or weaken all of them.

Bikill Scroll
Value: 50G
Description: Raise the attack power of your equipped weapon.
Effect: Makes your equipped weapon stronger (like a Copper Sword turning into a
 Copper Sword +1).
Comment: Essential for doing more damage.

Charge Scroll
Value: 1000G
Description: If placed at a monster's feet, this will prevent all attacks.
Effect: Makes the enemy circle around you.
Comment: Enemies won't attack you, but they'll still follow you. Useful if
 you're in the middle of a room and need to get to a corridor.

Clairvoyant Scroll
Value: 40G
Description: Learn the locations of items on the present floor.
Effect: Shows where all items are on the map for the current floor.
Comment: A good item to have if you're in a desperate need for items.

Eavesdrop Scroll
Value: 40G
Description: Learn the locations of monsters on this floor.
Effect: Shows all of the enemies on the map on the current floor. This will
 also show all traps, Shadows, and Mimics
Comment: Later on in the Mysterious Dungeon, Shadows and Mimics are common and
 they are quite annoying. If you need to get to the next floor quickly
 while avoiding enemies, this scroll does the job.

Identify Scroll
Value: 30G
Description: Identifies an item.
Effect: Identifies an item. There is a small chance that the scroll will
 identify all of the items in your inventory.
Comment: An important scroll to have - identifying things tells you what the
 item is. Items you equip will never get identified until you use this
 scroll. Items you use will get identified after they're used.

Numb Scroll
Value: 70G
Description: Freezes all monsters in the direction you are facing.
Effect: Freezes enemies in the direction you're facing.
Comment: Useful for getting free hits or running away.

Outside Scroll
Value: 100G
Description: Exit the dungeon.
Effect: Brings you back to your house.
Comment: Crucial to making it out of the dungeon alive after obtaining your
 goal (or just to make sure you don't get killed).

Plating Scroll
Value: 250G
Description: Protects your shield from rust for this adventure.
Effect: Protects the chosen shield from rust until you leave the dungeon.
Comment: Rust is annoying in the earlier levels, and this helps against it.

Prayer Scroll
Value: 350G
Description: Increases staff charges.
Effect: Increases the number of charges on a staff by three.
Comment: Very useful if you have a staff that is important to you.

Proof Scroll
Value: 65,000G
Description: Congratulations! Go get the Chun Soft Scroll from the Vault.
Effect: Teleports a random enemy in front of you. The teleported enemy will
 then get a turn.
Comment: Good for teleporting thieves (Trick Bags and Demonites) and Metal
 Babbles to you. I have no idea how you can obtain this item.

Rations Scroll
Value: 50G
Description: Turns an item into Bread.
Effect: Turns an item into Big Bread.
Comment: It's just like picking up a Big Bread, but you're turning an item
 into it.

Sandglass Scroll
Value: 80G
Description: It will return in time.
Effect: Begin the floor again the same exact way you did before.
Comment: If you messed up while on the floor, this item will save you. For
 example, if you lost a few levels to a Mud Puppet, you can undo that
 with this.

Stopspell Scroll
Value: 20G
Description: Stops all current spell effects on target.
Effect: Stops all current spell effects on target.
Comment: Not very useful. Most spell effects on enemies are caused by you.

Torch Scroll
Value: 40G
Description: Know the current floor layout.
Effect: Shows the whole map on the current floor.
Comment: Only useful if you want to know where the exit is.

Trap Scroll
Value: 20G
Description: Shows traps on the current floor.
Effect: Shows all traps on the current floor.
Comment: Good to have if you're annoyed by traps (or really don't want to
 step on them).

Ultimate Scroll
Value: 60,000G
Description: At last! You have reached the bottom. You are the King of the
 Mysterious Dungeon.
Effect: Wakes up all enemies on the floor.
Comment: Only useful if you want to get yourself killed. I assume you get this
 on the 99th floor, but I've never found it there.

Uncurse Scroll
Value: 50G
Description: Removes curses from all equipped items.
Effect: Removes curses from all equipped items.
Comment: Cursed equipment is usually useless. This scroll just fixes the
 mistake you made of equipping the item.

Upper Scroll
Value: 50G
Description: Raise the defense power of your equipped shield for this
Effect: Makes your equipped shield stronger (like a Bronze Shield turning into
 a Bronze Shield +1).
Comment: Essential for taking less damage.
| 08.10.2019 Просмотров: 477
| Теги: Fushigi No Dungeon, Torneko No Daibouken