Micro Machines '96

Fast car:

Pause game play and press Up, Down, A,
B, Left, Right. Hold C and press
Start to resume game play.

Expert mode:

Pause game play and press Left, Right, Left,
Right, Up, Down. Hold Down and press
Start to resume game play. For an even greater challenge,
pause game play and press Left, Down, Up,
Down, Right, Down. Hold A + Down
and press Start to resume game play.

Level skip:

Leave the track and drive until finding a gray square that
is marked with a star. Drive into the start to jump to the next

Level 16: Turbo Buggies

Bottom left corner of map.

Level 17: Treehouse Tumble

Approximately half-way across the bottom plank.

Level 18: Vice Squad

Middle of the table.

Level 19: Hit Parade

Left of the keyboard on the right of the map.

| 20.03.2020 Просмотров: 506
| Теги: Micro machines, Micro Machines '96