

Combo "Magic" hits:

Attack: Square
Kick: Triangle
Jump: X
Pickup: Circle
Block: R1
Heavy Attack: Hold R2 и атакуйте.

  • Combo 1: Hold R1 + R2 and press Square, Square, Square, Square.
  • Combo 2: Hold R1 + R2 and press Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square.
  • Combo 3: Hold R1 + R2 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square.
  • Super Combo: Hold R1 + R2 and press Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Square (Consumes all of special bar).
  • Frog Magic: Hold R1 + R2 and press X, Square (3 Magic Phials).
  • Fire Magic: Hold R1 + R2 and press X, Triangle (2 Magic Phials).
  • Ice Magic: Hold R1 + R2 and press X, Circle (1 Magic Phial).

Combo "Magic" hits just in manual with disk / In game combo you can't see.

Gameshark Legend Codes
Infinite Energy Player 1 800AFF92 0048
Infinite Energy Player 2 800B00B2 0048
Infinite Lives Player 1 800AFF90 0009
Infinite Lives Player 2 800B00B0 0009
Infinite Magic Player 1 800AFFD8 0009
Infinite Magic Player 2 800B00F8 0009
Infinite Time 30071940 0063
| 17.09.2018 Просмотров: 1647
| Теги: legend