Langrisser 1 & 2

All Secret Items:
At the "Buy" word, press LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, Select, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, Select, Circle.

Level Select:
At the "Load" screen, highlight any of the scenarios, except the first one, and press RIGHT, DOWN, UP, LEFT, R1, Square, Start, Select, Triangle, Circle.

Secret Items:
At the "Buy" word, press UP, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, Circle.

Test Mode:
At the "Load" screen, highlight any of the scenarios, except the first one, and press UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, Select, Circle.

| 12.10.2019 Просмотров: 801
| Теги: Warsong, Langrisser, Langrisser 1 & 2