Super Mario Brothers

Continue game play
Hold A at the game over screen. While keeping that button held, press Start when the title screen appears. Alternatively, hold A and press Start(2) at the title screen.

Hit the flagpole at the end of a level when the last digit of the timer is 1, 3, or 6.

Fire while small
Go to any Boss level, except for the final level. Make sure that Mario is big when reaching the Boss. Jump on the little axe object so you hit the Koopa (Boss) and the axe at the same instant. You will flash as you were hit but will remain as Super Mario. On the next level, get a mushroom and it will actually make Mario small. Finally, get a flower and Mario will have firepower when he is small.

World -1
Stand on top of the exit pipe on world 1-2 and scroll the screen as far right as possible. Run to the right, then back to the left as far as the end of the pipe, then back again several times. The screen to reveal a blank space on the far right side of the bricks. Jump up and break the only second and third bricks from the right. Place Mario on the pipe with one foot off the edge and face him to the left. Press A to jump, and press Right while he is in the air. Do not break the remaining brick. The back of Mario's head should hit the brick and pull him in. Walk through the bricks to the right and immediately enter the first pipe on the left.

Hint: World 1-2 warp zones:
There is an easier way to get to the space beside the exit pipe in world 1-2. Before reaching the exit pipe, take the platforms up to the very top of the screen. When reaching the top, jump to the right. If done correctly, Mario (or Luigi) should land on top of the bricks. Run to the right to find the warp zone to levels 2-1, 3-1, and 4-1.

Hint: World 4-2 warp zones:
Go to the first pair of platforms. There will be three blocks floating in the air to the right of the platforms. Stand directly under the space to the left of the first block and jump. If done correctly, you should have made a block under that space. Then, stand directly under the second block and jump. If done correctly, you should have made another block right under the second block. Stand directly under the third block and jump. If done correctly you should have made another block right under the third block. Then, jump on to the third block that you have made then, jump to the second one you made. When you are on top of the second one you made, walk very slowly just by tapping Left to reach the edge, then jump. If done correctly you should have hit the second block that was already there, and a vine will spurt out. Climb to the top of the vine and then run to the end of the area where the vine leads you. You will be able to warp to world 6-1, 7-1, or 8-1.

Hint: Extra lives on World 3-1:
Go to the end steps. Kill the first duck, if you have the firepower. If not, jump over the first duck. Stand on the third step going up. When the second duck is on the step in front of your character, jump straight up in the air. When you hit the duck, repeatedly press A. If done correctly, you should keep jumping on the duck. After jumping long enough, the extra life sound should begin to repeat until you stop jumping or miss a jump. If you miss a jump, you can jump straight back up and repeatedly press A again. If time runs out while still collecting lives or while going to the flagpole, all lives collected will be lost.

Hint: Jump over the flagpole:
In world 3-3 (and possibly in world 7-2), there are two platforms that move up and down when they are stood on, at the end before the flag. Stand on the left platform until the last possible moment, then jump to the right platform. Wait again until the last possible moment to jump to actually go over the flagpole. If done correctly, you can keep walking past the flagpole. Note: If you walk to the right of the castle a never ending wall will appear. You may continue walking until time runs out.

| 12.10.2019 Просмотров: 654
| Теги: Mario Bros., Super Mario Brothers, Luigi, Mario