Godzilla: Monster of Monsters!


  • Debug Level

    Effect Password
    Debug level GH1D0RA


  • Final Battle vs. Ghidora Password

    Enter the following password in the password section, in order to start at the final battle against Ghidora, with both Godzilla and Mothra at maximum power.

    Effect Password
    Final Battle vs. Ghidora Y0UC4MP1J6 CLD10GT67


  • Level Passwords

    Effect Password
    Earth HR6AMU6696 UCUGXK
    Jupiter XOKQWPT6TH NQJ59D97T637E
    Mars (last hex) Y4RKAQMDR1 G6S4XP
    Neptune H46NAP5CX2G8HK3H
    Planet X 4J62STRMH9 CWU58L
    Saturn (last hex) 7JRNOO4NNU 9WLJT3
    Start on Planet X X STAR


  • Level Passwords for Real Challenge

    On the password screen, enter the first three letters of any of the planets (Except Earth and Planet X) to start at that level, with Godzilla and Mothra at Lvl 1. See how far you can get on the harder planets!

    Effect Password
    Jupiter @ level 1 JUP
    Mars @ level 1 MAR
    Neptune @ level 1 NEP
    Pluto @ level 1 PLU
    Saturn @ level 1 SAT
    Uranus @ level 1 URA
  • Misc Passwords

    Effect Password
    Access Sound Test S0UND
    Fight all the final monsters DESTR0Y ALL MONSTERS
    Fight Monster Zero at the beginning of the game M0NSTER 0
    Monsterless Debug Level (Leave Password blank and hit end)
    Takes you to planet X with a strange effect. It makes Monsters spawn from the center of the playing board. A glitch or unfinished code maybe? sea m0nster
    View opening/closing scenes START T0 END


  • Mecha-Godzilla will always miss

    When battling Mecha-Godzilla with Mothra, make sure you are lined with his neck and have the tip of your upper wings just to the right of the "A" in "Godzilla", now keep firing your eye beam and Mecha-Godzilla's lasers will always miss and go right through your wings.

| 20.08.2020 Просмотров: 419
| Теги: godzilla, Godzilla: Monster of Monsters!, Годзилла, Годзилла: Монстр из Монстров!