
Doraemon – Cheats


Continue the Game
At the Game Over screen:

Effect / Code:

Continue the game    Hold any directional pad button (e.g., UP), then (button still held) press START (do this before the Game Over screen switches to title screen)

Debug Code:

This is only doable on World 3, and requires two controllers. Before the world number screen appears, hold Up, Left, A, B, Select, and Start on Controller 1, and Down, Right, A, and B on Controller 2, all at the same time. During gameplay, you can then use the following button combinations for the named effects.

Effect / Code:

Leap one screen forward in direction of pressing    Controller 2 - Use the D-Pad
Show the KiKu easter egg    Controller 2 - Press A+B; if you warped to World 3, you must instead hold the entire combination

Start from any Level:

At the title screen: 

Effect / Code:

Start from Level 1 (without time machine animation sequence)    Hold A + B. Then (buttons still held) press START.
Start from Level 2 (without time machine animation sequence)    Hold A + B + SELECT. Then (buttons still held) press START.
Start from Level 3 (without time machine animation sequence)    Hold A + B + SELECT. Release the buttons. Next, hold those buttons (A + B + SELECT) again. Then (buttons still held) press START.



In World 1, kill enemies this order: two KOBUN's (red man with black hat), NAME (caterpillar), GOZURA (creature with tube instead of nose), YUBOU (UFO), and another KOBUN. A new prize appears - it will give you invulnerability for 15 seconds.

Kill All Enemies:

At World 2, after rescuing "Gian", shout in microphone for about 3 seconds.

View Progammer's Face:

At World 1 on the star "KoyaKoya", in "Garutaito" (where the boss is) in the building of "Mining Industry" on the right, shout in microphone and shoot at the same time.

| 03.06.2019 Просмотров: 882
| Теги: Doraemon