Seiken Densetsu 3

Pro Action Replay Codes by SGooding

Version: 0.1 | Updated: 08/05/2000

Bigstu's Seiken Densetsu 3 FAQ v0.1
Pro Action Replay codes:

Written by Stuart Gooding : <>

This document is Copyright 2000 Stuart Gooding

Note from the author:
 I wrote this FAQ because I couldn't find a decent SD3 code FAQ on
the internet. It's my first FAQ so be I can blame that for any mistakes. And I guess that this is protected under International Copyright so don't rip it off!

This document should only be found on:
 GameFAQS - <>

* Also the names I use for some of the character may be different...
 You should be able to figure it out.

 1. Player Status Codes

 2. Class Changing Codes

 3. Inventory Item List

 4. Skills/Magic List

 5. Player Status Codes

1. Player Status Codes

|PAR Code | Description |
|7FEDFEFF | Player 1 - Quick level up (High EXP) |
|7FF0FEFF | Player 2 - Quick level up (High EXP) |
|7FF3FEFF | Player 3 - Quick level up (High EXP) |
|7FEE0cnn | Player 1 - Max Weapon Charge (nn=04,07,09) |
|7FF10Cnn | Player 2 - Max Weapon Charge (nn=04,07,09) |
|7FF40cnn | Player 3 - Max Weapon Charge (nn=04,07,09) |
|7E2C24nn | \ |
|7E2C25nn | - Affects the amount of Luc (Cash!) |
|7E2C26nn | / |

2. Class changing codes:

For Player 1 : 7FEE14xx and 7FEE15yy
For Player 2 : 7FF114xx and 7FF115yy
For Player 3 : 7FF414xx and 7FF415yy

* Where xx and yy are the numbers that define the class 
 (See table below).

Class Changing Table
| Class | xx | yy |
|Neutral | 00 | 00 |
|Light | 01 | 00 | eg. if player 1 is Duran,
|Dark | 01 | 01 | the codes : 7FEE1402 and 7FEE1502 would
|Light+Light| 02 | 00 | change him to a SwordMaster...
|Light+Dark | 02 | 01 |
|Dark+Light | 02 | 02 |
|Dark+Dark | 02 | 03 |

* NOTE: When changing your class, the characters sprite (appearance)
 wont change unless you do it without this cheat or when you use
 something like the cannon, turtle or ship (something to shift the
 game and make it reload the characters). All of their skills work.
 So you can change from class to class gaining all of their strengths.
 Also, you only gain one skill/spell every time you level up, so to 
 gain everyone's skills you should use the quick level cheat (turn 
 it off when you are done getting the skills or else it can get 

3. Inventory Item List:

The inventory ring in the game can be accessed by the codes:

 7E2EE9nn -> 7E2EF2nn for each slot.

This sets the slot in the inventory to the item nn (see table below for
item number descriptions).

Also to edit the number of these items in inventory use the codes:
 7E2EF3nn -> 7E2EFCnn

This sets the number of each items in the slot specified.
So, as an example:

 If the code : 7E2EE959 and 7E2EF303, you would set slot 1 in the
inventory to 3 x Angel's Grail.

Inventory Code Index/Description:
Code: (replace the nn with these codes)
Final class change items:
01-04 - Duran's final class changing items
05-08 - Kevin's final class changing items
09-0C - Hawk's final class changing items
0D-10 - Angela's final class changing items
11-14 - Carlie's final class changing items
15-18 - Lise's final class changing items

19 - Item seed
1A - Mysterious seed
1B - Flying item seed 
1C - Magic seed
1D - ??? seed
1E - Weap/Armr seed

Magical items:
1F-24 - Earth items (Gnome)
25-2A - Air items (Jinn)
2B-30 - Water items (Undine)
31-36 - Fire items (Salomando)
37-3C - Dark items (Shade)
3D-42 - Light items (Wisp)
43-48 - Moon items (Luna)
49-4E - Wood items (Dryad)

Flying items:
4F - Hand axe
50 - Shuriken
51 - Dart
52 - Pumpkin bomb

Attribute restorative items:
53 - Candy
54 - Chocolate
55 - Magic acorn
56 - Honey drink
57 - Puipui grass
58 - Stardust herb
59 - Angel's Grail

Miscellaneous items:
5A - Magic rope
5B - Gun powder
5V - Chibikko hammer
5D - Moogle badge
5E - Pihyara flute
5F - Wind drum
60 - Dreamsee herb

4. Skills/Magic List:

This is similiar to the item codes above.
To access the skills/spells menu ring use the codes:
 7FEEA5nn -> 7FEEAEnn for player 1
 7FF1A5nn -> 7FF1AEnn for player 2
 7FF4A5nn -> 7FF4AEnn for player 3
Where nn is the spell code of the skill/spell you want in that slot.
nn codes below.

Skill/Spell Code index: (I think they are all right...)
01 - Diamond missile
02 - Earth quake
03 - Stone cloud
04 - Protect up
05 - Speed down
06 - Diamond saber

07 - Airblast
08 - Thunderstorm
09 - Stun wind
0A - Speed up
0B - Protect down
0C - Thunder saber

0D - Ice smash
0E - Mega splash
0F - Cold blaze
10 - Mind up
11 - Power down
12 - Ice saber

13 - Fireball
14 - Explode
15 - Blaze wal
16 - Power up
17 - Mind down
18 - Flame saber

19 - Evil gate
1A - Dark force
1B - Death spell
1C - Anti magic
1D - Black curse
1E - Dark saber

1F - Holy ball
20 - Saint beam
21 - Heal light
22 - Magic shield
23 - Tinkle rain
24 - Saint saber

25 - Lunatic
26 - Half vanish
27 - Body change
28 - Life booster
29 - Energy ball
2A - Demon breath
2B - Moon saber

2C - Sleep flower
2D - Poison bubble
2E - TransShape
2F - Aura wave
30 - Counter magic
31 - Leaf saber

Special powers: (specific to final class players normally)
32 - Detect
33 - Turn undead
34 - Rainbow dust
35 - Ancient
36 - Ancient 2
37 - Ancient 3
38 - Freya
39 - Marduke
3A - Iormungand
3B - Lamian Naga
3C - Unicorn head

Miscellaneous magics:
3D - Machine golem
3E - Arrow
3F - Spike
40 - Ghoul
41 - Ghost
42 - Gremlin
43 - Great demon
44 - Earth Jutsu
45 - Thunder Jutsu
46 - Water Jutsu
47 - Fire Jutsu
48 - Rockfall
49 - Landmine
4A - Poison breath
4B - Flame breath
4C - Blow needles
4D - Deadly weapon
4E - Double spell

From here on the code give the weapon charge moves as spells (it isn't
supposed to work that way so it can have errors)
eg. 50 is Duran's Whirlwind blade move.
(this can be quite fun actually, watch Carlie do Kevin's bastard slam)

There may be more after these charge moves but I can't be stuffed
looking for them yet (maybe later, in an update or something)

5. Player statistic codes:

7FEDxxnn - Player 1 stats
7FF0xxnn - Player 2 stats
7FF3xxnn - Player 3 stats
Replace the xx with the attribute code and the nn to the number you
want that attribute at. (see the below table)

Attribute codes:
F2-F3 - Current Health
F4-F5 - Current Mana
F6 - Strength
F7 - Agility
F8 - Vitality
F9 - Intelligence
FA - Spirit
FB - Luck

To set the maximum health and mana the codes are:
Player 1:
7FEE01nn and 7FEE02nn for health
7FEE03nn and 7FEE04nn for mana
Player 2:
7FF101nn and 7FF102nn for health
7FF103nn and 7FF104nn for mana
Player 3:
7FF401nn and 7FF402nn for health
7FF403nn and 7FF404nn for mana

Also the level of your players can be altered by the codes:
7FEE10nn - for player 1
7FF110nn - for player 2
7FF410nn - for player 3
* nn in this case is the level minus 1

Hope you like the Codes, the fun was in finding them!
I'll add in a weapons and armour part later maybe. (mail me if you
really want to know what they are)

 I didn't really use any sources in writing this FAQ (if I did
I have forgotten and am sorry to those who deserve thanks).
 I would like to thank all the people who have written FAQs to
GameFAQs in the past, for all their help.

Send mail to:

I don't read this account much so don't be surprised by long delays
between answering mails. (if I've made any mistake let me know)

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| Теги: Seiken Densetsu 3, Seiken Densetsu